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Designed by the French brand Addict Sport Nutrition, anaboli whey is a tri-protein formula, it contains:


  • 75% concentrated whey
  • 15% isolated whey
  • 10% hydrolyzed whey
  • 10,000mg BCAAs
  • 3700mg of Glutamine


Each service contains 24 grams of protein, 100 grams of BCAAs, 3.7 of Glutamine and 0% sugars.


Role of whey


Muscles are made up of proteins, they are the main constituents. When you train for bodybuilding, fitness, your muscles break down.

After training, muscles begin their repair phase to become stronger and bulkier. 


To be able to repair themselves, muscle fibers will recruit proteins within 30 minutes after training. 


This is when whey comes into action, it provides fast-assimilation proteins. These  fast-diffusing proteins will be requisitioned to nourish and repair the muscles.


Anabolic whey conclusion


  • Promotes mass gain
  • Improves recovery


Anabolic Whey

  • We advise you to take a dose right after training. On rest days, one pod in the morning, upon waking.

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